Ute Aurand

ute aurand

Glimpses from a Visit to Orkney in Summer 1995

2020 4,5min 16 mm / digital stumm
Auftrag von MARGARET TAIT 100, Glasgow
Verleih: Lux, London, (digital); Light Cone, Paris (16mm); Ute Aurand (16mm, digital)

Glimpses from a Visit to Orkney in Summer 1995
2020 4,5min 16mm/digital file silent
Commissioned by MARGARET TAIT 100, Glasgow
Distribution: Lux London (digital); Light Cone, Paris (16mm); Ute Aurand (16mm, digital)

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In Aurand’s signature diaristic form, and rendered through her expressive Bolex movements-- roses in bloom, farm animals, Orkney landscapes, and late filmmaker Margaret Tait having tea-- are punctuated with abstract swaths of saturated and shifting colors which are also captured by her active camera. The film is an homage to Tait, whom she visited in Orkney. (Aily Nash, NYFF, Projections - Currents)

Dank an Sarah Neely, der Initatorin des MARGARET TAIT 100 Projekts, die 10 Filmemacher beauftragte 'to celebrate the life, legacy, attitude or approach of Scotland’s filmmaking pioneer Margaret Tait. The ten artists and filmmakers selected were: Ute Aurand; Mark Cousins; Luke Fowler; Alexander Storey Gordon; Matt Hulse; Wendy Kirkup with Richy Carey; Morag McKinnon; Ali Smith with Sarah WoodCatherine Street; and Peter Todd.'

Nach einer 1. Werkschau mit Taits Filmen im Herbst 1993, die ich in mehreren Kinos Deutschlands organisiert hatte, besuchte ich Tait im Sommer 1995 auf Orkney, wo wir ihre 16mm Filme sichteten, die nicht im Verleih der Filmmakers Coop in London waren. Wir begannen zusammen ihr Skript "Video Poems of the 90th" zu verfilmen, was unvollendet blieb. In "Glimpses from a Visit..." sind einige der gemeinsam gefilmten Sequenzen neben von mir Gefilmten zu sehen.

Welt-Premiere: NYFF / Projections-Currents, 2020

In Aurand’s signature diaristic form, and rendered through her expressive Bolex movements-- roses in bloom, farm animals, Orkney landscapes, and late filmmaker Margaret Tait having tea-- are punctuated with abstract swaths of saturated and shifting colors which are also captured by her active camera. The film is an homage to Tait, whom she visited in Orkney. (Aily Nash, NYFF, Projections - Currents)

Thanks to Sarah Neely, initiator of the "MARGARET TAIT 100 " project, which commissioned 10 filmmakers 'to celebrate the life, legacy, attitude or approach of Scotland’s filmmaking pioneer Margaret Tait. The ten artists and filmmakers selected were: Ute Aurand; Mark Cousins; Luke Fowler; Alexander Storey Gordon; Matt Hulse; Wendy Kirkup with Richy Carey; Morag McKinnon; Ali Smith with Sarah WoodCatherine Street; and Peter Todd. '

Welt-Premiere: NYFF / Projections-Currents, 2020