Ute Aurand

ute aurand

Philipps 60. Geburtstag

2014 4,5min 16mm Farbe Lichtton
Verleih: Ute Aurand

2014 4,5min 16mm color Optical Sound
Distribution: Ute Aurand

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Mein langjähriger Freund Philipp von Lucke feierte seinen 60. Geburtstag mit Freunden und Verwandten in einem Waldstück in der Nähe von Görlitz in Erinnerung an seinen Vater und dessen Familie, die nach dem Krieg ihren Familienbesitz verloren hatten. Es war ein sehr heißer Sommertag.

My friend of many years, Philipp v. Lucke, celebrated his 60th birthday by inviting his family and
friends to join him in a forest near Görlitz. This was also in memory of his father's childhood and the family's connection to the place. It was a very hot July day.