Ute Aurand

ute aurand

Sakura, Sakura

2015 2,5min 16mm Farbe Lichtton
Verleih: Ute Aurand

2015 2,5min 16mm color Optical Sound
Distribution: Ute Aurand

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Während der Dreharbeiten zu JUNGE KIEFERN in Japan 2010 traf ich zwei ältere japanische Frauen in Nara und Roppongi...

Premiere: 30.3.2015 Harvard Film Archive "Films of Places"


SAKURA,SAKURA is a two minute film about two Japanese ladies, whom I met in Nara and Roppongi while filming for YOUNG PINES in Japan 2010.

World Premiere: 3/30/2015 Harvard Film Archive "Films of Places"